Monday, February 22, 2010

A Special Person

Shown the most care by her parents, she still feels alone, unloved. She depends heavily on many friends and activities but still is isolated. She cannot walk easily, and is passive and fierce alternately. She doesn't talk to many, but once she does, she can't stop. Having always depended on people to help her do the most basic things, she craves independence, but is afraid to be alone. A very passionate person when it comes to her friends, she is often confused or left behind, simply because she cannot walk alongside them and know what they know.
She is a tiny person with many sugical scars, a strange posture, and a lazy eye. This is what most people see. But to those who know her, who listen and understand, she is a beautiful person with a large heart, an empath. You can count on her to be an unconditional friend from the moment you treat her with respect, even in passing. Love can be a difficult thing to share, but she spreads it in abundance every where she goes.
She is a weirdo, my best friend.

1 comment:

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Type away, but remember the social skills you learned in kindergarten!